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发表于:2013-12-25| 次阅读| 作者:藕码网


   对于盗版,evad3rs表示,他们与太极达成的书面和口头协议都禁止传播盗版软件,太极也曾保证不会发布盗版,evad3rs曾粗略检查了太极的应用 商店,并没有发现盗版,然而,经过调查以及来自社区的反馈信息表示,太极助手的确包含盗版软件,例如苹果App Store上的应用,他们对于软件开发者和越狱社区造成的伤害实在太深,即使移除了盗版软件也无法再与其合作,evad3rs因此已经终止了与太极助手的 合作,并对太极助手在自家网站上发布了一个破解版越狱软件的做法非常失望,称并没有向太极提供越狱软件的源代码。



Dear Jailbreak Community (part 2),

We want to address some additional concerns put forth by the community:

Privacy and Taig

First and foremost, and of utmost concern, is privacy. No one's data was ever sent anywhere. Of course, as a member of the community whose work frees devices, it would be against everything we've worked for the last 7 years to jeopardize the security of the users of our software. To reiterate, no Taig software was installed unless the computer's language was set to Chinese. Furthermore, no Taig software would run unless the user opened the Taig application.

After rumors abound of encrypted data being sent for users in China who've installed Taig, we decided to do what we do best - reverse engineer the code of Taig to understand what was being sent. Taig transmitted data similar to what Cydia transmits. Unique device identifiers were transmitted in encrypted form similar to how Cydia uses SSL to protect the privacy of its users. Taig did not transmit any private user data from the devices at all.

Piracy and Taig

Our written and verbal agreement with Taig banned it. They assured us it was not in there. We did not check every package in their store but a cursory examination before release found no problems. However, after investigation and after notification from the community, we found examples, including pirated tweaks, Apple App Store apps, and even pod2g's PodDJ app. We dropped the ball on this. While we at first did not believe Taig purposefully violated our agreement, the depth of the transgression against the software developers and the jailbreak community cannot be overlooked and we could not move forward after that even if it were fixed. We terminated our relationship with them. We are very disappointed that they have decided to put up a cracked version of the jailbreak on their site that installs Taig. We did not give them any permission or source code.

We have refused all monies from Taig

There have been a lot of rumors listing various amounts we’ve been paid. We have received no monies from any group, including Taig. We will not be accepting any money. Our donations are being given to Public Knowledge, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure to help protect jailbreaking as your legal right.

Jailbreak Updates

We are working hard to fix the problems with the jailbreak. Unfortunately, it's the holidays and we would like to spend time with our friends and family. The events of the last couple of days have been extremely stressful for us and we need some time to recover. We will work as hard as we can to resolve any remaining issues. Thank you for your understanding.

We worked very hard to bring this jailbreak free of charge to the community. We hope you can all enjoy it.



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